Health Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use

Health Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use

Health and Behavioral Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use

使用非法药物和滥用处方药会对社会、学术、心理、 physical, financial and legal consequences. 将药物和/或与酒精混合使用是非常危险的. 以下信息涉及特定药物或药物类别,但不是有意的 作为药物及其相关健康风险的综合清单.

ALCOHOL -酒精滥用是一种进行性障碍,可发展为身体依赖. 风险包括因事故或暴力造成的伤害或死亡、视力受损、 运动协调性受损,记忆缺陷,幻觉,昏迷和癫痫. 长期使用会导致脑部永久性损伤,血压升高 心率,中风,心力衰竭,呼吸抑制和衰竭的风险, 肺炎、肺结核、肺脓肿、口腔癌和咽喉癌的风险增加, 酒精性脂肪肝肝炎肝硬化十二指肠溃疡反流腹泻 判断力和语言能力受损,冷漠,内向,反社会行为,无能 注意力不集中,与家人、朋友和同事的关系恶化. Alcohol is an especially dangerous drug for pregnant women. Drinking during pregnancy 增加了低出生体重婴儿和宫内发育迟缓的风险 感染、喂养困难和长期发育问题的危险.

MARIJUANA 吸食大麻的风险包括感知能力受损、短期记忆减退、 注意力和协调性丧失,判断力受损,事故风险增加, 失去动力,抑制力减弱,艾滋病和其他性传播疾病的风险增加 心率,焦虑,惊恐发作,偏执,幻觉,呼吸系统受损, reproductive, and immune systems, and increased risk of cancer.

将大麻和其他药物,包括酒精和处方药混合在一起,可以 引起不必要的反应和/或增加两种物质的影响. Marijuana has addictive properties and tolerance to marijuana develops rapidly. Physical and 大麻的心理戒断症状包括烦躁不安 insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Warning signs of dependence are: more frequent use; needing more and more to get the same effect; spending time thinking about using marijuana; spending more money than you have on it; missing class or failing to finish assignments because of marijuana; making new friends who do it and neglecting old friends who don't; finding it's hard to be happy without it.

HALLUCINOGENS -这一类包括苯环利定(PCP或“天使粉”)、摇头丸和其他安非他明 variants which have mind-altering effects. Perception and cognition are impaired and muscular coordination decreases. Speech is blocked and incoherent. Chronic users of PCP可能会在6个月到1年后出现记忆问题和语言障碍 prolonged daily use. Depression, anxiety, and violent behavior also occur. High psychological dependence on the drug may result in taking large doses of PCP. Large doses produce convulsions, comas, and heart and lung failure.

COCAINE 可卡因促使多巴胺的释放,多巴胺是一种负责愉悦的神经递质 和运动,抑制它的再吸收,过度刺激大脑. Users 报告欣快、极度兴奋、自信和警觉的感觉. Cocaine's 愉悦的效果开始迅速消退导致戒断症状包括 易怒、焦虑、不安、身体疼痛、失眠、抑郁、偏执、 or aggression. 可卡因极易上瘾,被认为是最强大的毒品之一 reinforcing drugs. 可卡因使血压升高,心率加快,呼吸加快 呼吸骤停、中风、癫痫、心脏病发作和死亡的风险.

STIMULANTS 安非他明和其他兴奋剂包括摇头丸和“冰毒”,以及处方药 drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin. The physical effects produced are elevated heart 呼吸频率,血压升高,失眠,食欲不振. Sweating, 头痛,视力模糊,头晕和焦虑也可能导致使用. High dosage 是否会导致心跳加速或不规则、震颤、运动技能丧失甚至身体机能丧失 collapse. 长期服用高剂量的安非他明会导致精神病,包括 hallucinations, delusions and paranoia. Prescription stimulant drugs, dubbed "academic 一些大学生用类固醇来提高他们的学业成绩 performance. 这些药物通常是用来治疗注意力缺陷多动症的,应该使用 only as prescribed and with ongoing medical supervision. It is against federal law 未经医生许可而使用这些药物. Students 那些分享或出售处方药的人滥用了医疗特权,破坏了 the law, and face severe penalties if caught.

DEPRESSANTS -巴比妥类药物和苯二氮卓类药物是两种最常用的处方药物 of depressant drugs. Barbiturates include Phenobarbital, Seconal and Amytal; benzodiazepines 包括Ativan, Dalmane, Librium, Xanax, Valium, Halcion和Restoril. These drugs are used for medical purposes to relieve anxiety and to induce sleep. Physical and 如果药物使用时间较长,就会产生心理依赖 or at higher doses than prescribed. Benzodiazepine use can cause slurred speech, disorientation, and lack of coordination. If taken with alcohol, use can lead to coma and possible death.

NARCOTICS -麻醉品包括海洛因、美沙酮、吗啡、可待因、奥施康定、维柯丁、芬太尼 and opium. Dextromethorphan in cough syrup is closely related. After an initial feeling of euphoria, narcotic use causes drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting. Effects of overdose 包括缓慢而浅的呼吸,湿冷的皮肤,抽搐,昏迷和可能的死亡. 生理和心理依赖性高,戒断症状包括水样 眼睛,流鼻涕,食欲不振,易怒,颤抖,恐慌,腹部痉挛 and diarrhea, nausea, chills, and sweating. Use of contaminated syringes/needles to 注射毒品可能导致严重的血源性感染,如艾滋病和肝炎. 这类药物是抑制药物相关死亡的最常见原因 of the life supporting functions of the brain, heart and lungs.